It is very proud moment to be awarded something which reads Very Inspirational Blogger Award, when you’re only a few months old and still learning the ropes. Needless to say, the least surprising bit was getting it from Jatin who has been a staunch supporter ever since he discovered our blog in our very first few days. A solo traveller by choice, he’s also open people travelling with him.
We discovered a few unknown facts about him through his post and now sharing something about us through the Award acceptance post.
The way this works is, a blogger accepts the award by listing seven things about him/herself and then goes on to nominating other bloggers who’ve inspired them to write and share.
We’ve found it harder to talk about ourselves than on any other topic under the sun, even super-secret nuclear submarine tech, but here goes nothing.
- We have had an arranged marriage. Yes the kind where parents become matchmakers and you’re put through the Indian version of speed dating with numerous restrictions. We got through the ordeal unscathed, found solace in each other’s company and decided to hunt the world for more couples like us.
- Our names have quite interesting meanings one means the King of Farmers and another means Unique. Not to say gypsycouple is uninteresting as a name, we actually think it to be quite awesome, but then we can be called biased
- Both of us lived within 1 Km distance from each other for over a decade and a half and only discovered each other through a mutual family friend while living 200 kms away from each other.
- Ours is a team of mixed identities, one is a marketing professional turned entrepreneur hoping to turn full time traveller while the other is a finance professional turned teacher hoping to educate the world one class at a time.
- Pizza is the preferred choice of food for both of us, though we might be persuaded to go for a chocopie instead if given a choice.
- We are a mix of beach and mountain persons, though we do not mind either, it is just a question of preference given a choice. Given time, it is quite possible for the preference to reverse itself as well J
- We enjoy all kinds of holidays but in recent times have come to have a preference for a relaxing holiday where we do not tax ourselves rushing to cover places and activities and instead space it out to enjoy both the hospitality of the hotel we are staying at and what the particular destination has to offer.
We are unluckily spoilt for choice when it comes to selecting the 10 travel bloggers to pass on the award to, because we find so many of them eligible quite simply because we love reading what they have to share. Our Nominees are: