Yet another attack brings the same questions of why to the forefront. The senseless acts of terrorism is a crime against humanity not only because it causes death and hurt the physical sense but that in so many other intangible things. The death of trust against a race/caste or creed associated with the act, the death of openness and warm welcomes to strangers and most importantly for us it hurts the motivation to travel.
We write about the hurt caused to the travel industry not just because we are a part of it and our love for it but because we believe travel is essential for mankind to prosper as a whole. Travel fosters understanding and empathy with others and opens your mind to being more inclusive. A much needed value in the world we find ourselves in today. It helps transcend boundaries, understand cultures, religion and people. With 7 Billion of us now walking this planet – a huge jump from about the 370 million from just about 650 years ago, those values are more necessary than ever. In essence travel is the antithesis to terrorism and probably the easiest thing each one of us can do to keep it at bay. A nomad is the perfect counter to such acts of communal/regional terrorism because it is a community without religious or geographical boundaries. If you’re like us you should read up on how to be a nomad.
We are just 2 people but through you, our readers, the “we” can become a much larger force. We pledge to not be put down by these acts of terrorism. We will not cancel our trips and probably convince a few of our friends to join in as well. If not to Brussels, we will travel to Paris, Mumbai, Ankara or any of the places affected by acts of terrorism. In times like these, traveling to any of those places will be a show of solidarity much bigger than facebook temporary display pictures, an act of defiance against terrorism which we as normal citizens can participate in. We hope people will continue travelling, meeting new people, imbibing new cultures because in these troubled times travel is the Luke Skywalker raging a lonely battle against evil. May the force be with it. If you’re motivated by us and want to do a little more that your bit, do read this guide on how to start a travel blog.
We had written the poem below after the Mumbai attacks and feel it holds true even today.
Will you wake me,
When the music ends?
When the stars that we pushed
Into the sky stop burning bright
When the squished rags we made
Into clouds do explode
When Johnny comes out to play and
Finds his playground burnt and gone
Will you wake me,
When the music ends?
When the artists are all
But burned ashes lying in pots
Or raw bones dug up
In a mongrels mouth
When their instruments burnt,
Broken, remade and replayed
Play the same tunes,
From a different hand
When the mangled visages,
Show but a mask of indifference
To the mayhem around them
Each serene in their own blessed oblivion
Will you wake me,
When the music ends?
When the telephone rings
With no-one to pick up
When the voice calls out
Without a response
When the shrilly cry of a new born
Becomes mute with a parched throat
With no breast to suckle dry
With no mother to pat their back
When the heart of a lover waiting
At the doorstep flickers & dies
Little by little
With every breeze battering the open door
Will you wake me,
When the music ends?
When one fine day
It comes to me
When finally this song
Breaks into a death cry
Of broken strings
And broken hearts
When your laughter shadows
My crumbling corpse
When i lay on the road
With naught but sight
When crazy fools
Crowd the door
Watching the scene
In panicked flight
When finally I pass away
And face a God, or a thousand more
Won’t you wake me,
When this music ends?
To greet you all
This one last time
I curse you all
With my dying breath
You live with terror
I die in peace
See me slam the door
And slam it hard
The bastards you are,
You deserve to live.